A physical medicine and rehabilitation (PM&R) doctor or physiatrist, specializes in the nonsurgical management of back and neck pain as well as other musculoskeletal problems. A physiatrist provides techniques and treatments that allow back and neck pain sufferers to return to activity without surgery. This can include injections that serve two purposes: relief of pain as well as providing additional diagnostic information about the cause of back or neck pain.
Our physiatrists focus on restoring function to patients with such joint and muscle conditions as sore shoulders, back and neck pain, tendonitis, and pinched nerves, as well as complex orthopedic, sports and work-related injuries. Treatment options include physical therapy, injections, and medication management, as well Monterey Spine & Joint’s unique ability to provide comprehensive care integrating several specialty areas.
Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation problems range from back and neck conditions to sports-related injuries and beyond.
Musculoskeletal problems are often accompanied by physical limitations and pain that can make it challenging to enjoy daily activities. Sometimes the problem is age-related or the result of a sports or work injury. Monterey Spine & Joint’s physiatrists are experts in helping patients return to everyday life and recreation.
Here are some of the problems we treat:
- Neurological Problems
- Musculoskeletal Problems including Joint Issues
- Back Pain
- Neck Pain
- Disc Problems
- Sports Injuries, including Sprains
Regular checkups, post-surgery care and preventive measures are all part of our extensive offerings.
Monterey Spine & Joint provides advanced medical professionals and state-of-the art technology to address a broad range of problems related to the musculoskeletal system including the spine. Some conditions account for a set of symptoms that can be difficult to sort out. Detailed, exacting examination and diagnosis play a key role.
We rely on state-of-the-art skills and technology to pinpoint the problem and help us guide the patient to healing and relief. In many cases, an exercise program alone can result in lasting recovery.
Non-Operative Care
Epidural steroidal injections, ultrasonic guided joint injections, physical therapy, home care regimens, and special exercise techniques are some of the methods we employ.
Finding and selecting the most conservative, least invasive course of treatment is at the heart of all our specialty services. For back and neck pain, we can often point the patient to a customized physical therapy program that can be continued at home.
Our goal – our commitment – is to get you back at home and enjoying life as quickly and safely as possible.
Here are some of the treatment options we offer:
- Epidural Steroidal Injections
- Ultrasonic Guided Joint Injections
- Medication Therapy
- Physical Therapy
- Electromyography Testing
- Platelet Rich Plasma Injections
- Home Exercise